massage therapy

massage places open

You may have noticed that different massage styles are popular at different times. And you may have wondered whether each was just part of a passing fad or the latest, greatest massage technique? Even more important is how can you tell whether the latest style will actually help you?

Cupping therapy is a treatment that uses the body's own energy. Keep reading to learn more about this alternative treatment, and what to expect during treatment.

Before you decide on the best massage for you, ask yourself some questions. Is it just relaxation or stress control that you are looking for? Are you looking for symptom relief or treatment for a particular health condition? Make sure to let the therapist and the therapist you are looking for know before booking a massage. Many therapists use several styles. Your age, condition or specific goals may dictate how the therapist customizes your massage.

Deep tissue massage can be used to address certain trouble spots in your body. The massage therapist applies slow, deliberate pressure to the layers of muscles, tissues, or tendons deep beneath your skin. Deep tissue massage can be more therapeutic than other types of massage. It can relieve chronic patterns of tension, and help with injuries like back sprains.

It’s possible to perform lymphatic drainage massage on yourself at home, or you can seek out a professional. Always talk with your doctor before you try it.

If you have migraine or experience tension headaches, traditional Thai massage may help ease your symptoms.

massage places open
Thai massage parlor

Thai massage parlor

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese form of physical therapy, has been a popular way to manage back pain. Learn how it works.

Acupuncture, a form of ancient Chinese physical therapy, is gaining popularity as a method to relieve back pain. Continue reading to find out how it works.

Be sure your massage therapist is properly trained, licensed, and certified. You can ask to see their up-to-date credentials.

Is Thai massage better than deep tissue?

In Japanese, shiatsu means "finger pressure." Shiatsu massage is performed by a therapist using rhythmic pressure and varied pressure on specific areas of the body. These points are called Acupressure Points and are thought to be crucial for the flow or chi (vital energy) of the body. According to shiatsu massage proponents, these points can be relieved by using shiatsu massage.

Ask your doctor or someone else you trust for a recommendation. Most states regulate massage therapists through licensing, registration or certification requirements.

Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient peoples – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments.

Is Thai massage better than deep tissue?
fertility massage

fertility massage

However, many facilities, especially in the United States, do not offer massages to women in their first trimester due to the risk of miscarriage during this time. If you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor before receiving massage.

Bowen is a holistic remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. It is gentle and relaxing and does not use forceful manipulation.

Instead, you lie fully clothed on a mat on the ground while a practitioner uses stretching, pulling, and rocking techniques to relieve tension, promote relaxation, and improve flexibility and circulation.

therapeutic massage

During a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist will use slow strokes and deep finger pressure to relieve tension from the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues. You can be naked during this massage or wear your underwear.

In Japanese, shiatsu means "finger pressure." For shiatsu massage the therapist applies rhythmic, varied pressure to certain points on the body. These points are known by the acupressure point and are essential for the flow, or chi, of vital energy. These points are believed to be the source of blockages that can be alleviated with shiatsu therapy.

Dry needling is a modern way to reduce muscle pain. Since thousands of Years, acupuncture has been used for a wide range of conditions. Both...

Is Thai massage better than deep tissue?
full-body massage

During the massage, you’ll be given a full-body massage while inhaling essential oils through a diffuser and absorbing them through your skin.

A friend, doctor, or even an online directory can recommend a massage therapist to you. You can also book multiple massages with different therapists in order to determine which one is your favorite.

Cranial or craniosacral Therapy, also called craniosacral marmalade, is a method of bodywork which helps to release pressure in the low back, head, and spine bones.

full-body massage